Vine Street Residence

An unused 1950s single family home sat on a non-conforming lot that we own located at Vine Street and Francis Avenue in the Hourglass District.

Our design for a modern, single-family home that maintains the existing footprint will enhance the neighborhood and be part of the solution for affordable missing-middle housing. This 800 SF adaptive-reuse project moves us toward building a portfolio of our own work on the same street, including our Francis loft home and Phase 1 and Phase II of our Francis Park Townhomes (total of 6 units). 

In 2018, while awaiting a decision from the Orange County zoning official, we commissioned artist Maureen Hudas to give the unused structure some color, whimsy and life. The “Bee House” was born. We’re grateful that Maureen had the foresight to paint some of the mural on removable pieces we can repurpose and incorporate into the permanent structure.

See the completed project at 2218 Vine Street. Interstruct is pleased to add an architect designed rental into Orlando’s rental pool.

This project is in alignment with Mayor Demings Housing For All agenda and we have more exciting projects planned for Francis Park in the Hourglass.